Tuesday, May 17, 2011

2 New Recipes Coming Up

Damn my inconsistency with this blog, I'm really sorry (hehe, broken record player syndrome). I seem to be doodling more and other things than doing recipes, I haven't even baked in forever. But I will be this weekend, my friend and I are going to be baking my birthday cake (Cake 2/3; I had one yesterday, will have one this weekend, and then the pedobear cake the following weekend).  Which, by the way, I had a nice 18th birthday yesterday, I spent my afternoon at the mall with my best friend, came home, had cake, and then another friend stopped by. Fun fun. I honestly don't feel any older though, despite the fact I'm 18, but meh, it'll probably set in eventually... 
Anyways, Past and upcoming recipes all in one canvas (no words on these, those get added on later with photoshop. x3) ; the new ones are a surprise even though one is fairly obvious (it is not a burger though, well...it is but it isn't :P) compared to the other. :D

Zero says (9:57 PM)
And what’s the other thing? Looks like a piece of crumpled paper. xD
This made my night. xD

I hope everyone's doing well and your blogging experience is way more successful than mine. Haha.